US Referee Connection is pleased to welcome Mr. Toros Kibritjian. He is a former NASL referee from 1968 -1984, and for FIFA from 1968-1983.
Toros, please accept a warm welcome to US Referee Connection.
Toros Kibritjian

In an exclusive interview with US Referee Connection, Former Fifa referee Toros Kibritjian,77, tell us about his 2nd book "Defining Moments In a Referee's Life". This book is about the life of referees and coaches in general" and dealing with unacceptable behaviors on the sideline.
As many of us will remember in 1986, Toros wrote a controversial book "Quest for the Cup", an account of his nine seasons on the circuit.
In his book, Kibritjian is highly critical of the Sting. He devotes four pages to the Sting, especially Game 4 of the 1985 quarterfinal playoff series against the Cleveland Force. Read Chicago Tribune article for full story.
We ask him why he decide to write a second book?...."For so many years referees kept asking about the second part of my referee career, after I was fired in 1985 from Major Indoor Soccer League"....It covers 55 years of my Referee career,including great events in US Soccer" ...Toros reply.
Kibritjian, is now the Director of Youth Referee development Program Committee for CalSouth. We ask him, what are the goals and how you want to accomplish them with this program to help our youth referees?..."The Youth Referee Development Program is a huge undertaking. I am very proud of It's achievements up to now and hoping to continue with the new generation of National Referees who are getting involved in mentoring".
We ask Toros, what he think of our US Referee Connection website (a referee community) ...He answered, "I like what you are doing with Referee Connection website. It takes love and lots of energy. Keep up the great work!".
Note: You can get a copy of this book by sending a request along whit a check directly to Toros Kibritjian.
1300 N. Sierra Bonita Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91104
The price for the book, including mailing cost is $15