Referee Articles

Sometimes scientific studies are surprisingly simple. Just published in the journal, "Evolutionary Psychology", is a study that confirms a very simple thesis: tall soccer referees progress more and are more successful in their careers, than referees with short stature.
Source: Antonio Pulido, Revista Arbitros
Tall Referees
The Study
The study was done by Dr. Gert Stulp, Doctor of Psychology,
University of Groningen (Netherlands). And his research
method was very simple. Taking under consideration the last
World Cup and the French league, the team led by Stulp analyzed all referees stature compared to all the linesmen. Generally the taller referees receive more appointments.
The results offered no room for doubt. The average height of a referee is higher than those of the sizes of the linesmen. This was confirmed in both the World Cup and in the French competition. To corroborate the study you can check with the referees in your country and realize that the most prominent are the tallest. In South America, there are cases like Roldan, Soto, Seneme, and Carillo Pezzota all of them exceed 1:85meteres and they are the best in their countries.
Shows The Most Authority
The researchers also analyzed the stature of the referees in the Bundesliga and reached two striking conclusions. The tallest referees call less fouls, in other words they showed more control of the game. Also they were elected to officiate more difficult matches those in which the visiting team has high skills. This situation is not only happening in the Bundesliga but also happens in other leagues.
The researchers' conclusions are summarized in that, in professional soccer, taller referees show a higher authority. "As in the animal kingdom," concludes Dr. Stulp, "among humans, height is often also associated with the domain, status and authority." You should help me check if the study in question is true.